
Sunday, 26 May 2013

No news is good news!

After a full on trip back home and Hubster's 10 day circumnavigation of the globe, we have quietly been going about our business and settling back into the groove and rhythm of life here in Melbourne.

Back to life, back to reality, back to the here and now again. Remember that song? Soul to Soul? Well it sums things up nicely.

Comfort food is on the menu as the temperatures have dipped and we are all layering up.

In the Summer there is an urgency here to make the most of every minute of sunshine, it's busy, busy, busy.

Now there is a comforting lull, an accepted excuse to just be and do less. Read a book, listen to music, walk on the beach with friends, a stroll around the city by the river, through the docklands, even on a grey Sunday morning, it's nice.

However, the lull is short lived...

coming up soon in a blog near you!

An Anniversary trip to Ayers Rock

The British Lions Tour

Niue, South Pacific Island Paradise.

Plus lots, lots more!


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