We've been waiting for this email. We knew they were due any day and yes we have been expecting them! Here they are. 76 baby green turtles.
Taken just after we had safely buried the eggs in October |
Greetings from Lankayan!
Time flies! Two months have passed since your visit to Lankayan and there’s only a few days left in 2012! How’s life treating you?
Remember the nest you’ve adopted at Lankayan in October? We hope this is included in one of the great things happened to you in 2012
And now there’s another great news--the babies hatched!
The nest (no.676, Green turtle) was incubated since 16 October 2012 with 81 eggs inside. On 21 December 2012, 76 baby turtles successfully emerged from the nest in the early morning. They were all safely released to the sea. Attached photo of the babies for you, we hope you'll like them ;-)
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information. Also, we are happy to hear from you for any comment or suggestions to help us improve our works here.
Lastly, a big THANK YOU from Reef Guardian team to you! Happy holidays and we wish you have another great year in 2013 =D
Best regards,
Gan Sze Hoon (Gan)
Research Assistant
Reef Guardian/Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area (SIMCA)
Sabah, Malaysia.
We are more than honoured and privileged to have been a part of this amazing programme. The Reef Guardians of Lanakayan do amazing things.
I admit I had tears seeing the pictures of our little babes scurrying urgently towards the water. They have a perilous journey ahead, we wish them God speed and if only one reaches adulthood to procreate again then that would have been an amazing result.
We are so happy we could help them get this far at least.
Indeed, one of the best things that happened to us in 2012.
(not sure what's happened to the layout here, but no matter, it's the content that counts today! :-))
(not sure what's happened to the layout here, but no matter, it's the content that counts today! :-))
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